Fans Quotes

We really are trying to make comics as good as comic can be made. We’re trying to elevate the medium. We’re trying to make them as respectable as possible. We … our goal is that someday an intelligent adult would not be embarrassed to walk down the street with a comic magazine. I don’t know […]

Costumes were nothing that I ever worried much about, but I see that the rabid fans are tremendously interested in the attire of their superheroes.

I led a perfectly normal life until “Downton Abbey.” I’m not kidding. I’d go to theatres, I’d go to galleries, things like that on my own. And now I can’t and that’s awful. The Fulham Road’s dodgy!

For a casual listener, they probably think I’m just a balladeer. My albums have always had a hip-hop influence – but the ballads are the ones that have grabbed people by their hearts.

I don’t read my reviews. I do die inside when readers at book signings say they do not read history books but they like to read mine. Who brags about a lack of intellectual curiosity?

My magic is like thinking about tomorrow: How do I do levitation and not do it in the darkness without being hokey? My audience can relate on an emotional level because there will be flying, flipping and manipulating, practically within arm’s reach.

Whatever happens to my career going forward from this point on, I owe most of it to the “Save Daredevil” campaign.

The most abnormal thing about my life is having sort of crowds form everywhere you go.

We have 89 fans waiting in the living room. The entire 1989 record. I want to come up with as many ways that we can spend time together and bond because it keeps me normal. It keeps my life feeling manageable.

I’m really in touch with my fans and I know what they like. What my fans in general were afraid of was that I would start making pop music and I would stop writing smart lyrics. Or I would stop writing emotional lyrics. And when they heard the new music they realized that that wasn’t […]