Hobby Quotes

The great majority of human beings have to work the greater part of the day, and then amuse themselves afterwards— if they are not too tired. But the lucky few derive their keenest interest and enjoyment not from any contrast between business and idle hours—but from the work itself.

The people who were originally interested in computers were hobbyists and tinkerers.

De gustibus non est disputandum; – that is, there is no disputing against Hobby-Horses; and for my part, I seldom do; nor could I with any sort of grace, had I been an enemy to them at the bottom; for happening, at certain intervals and changes of the moon, to be both fidler and painter, […]

So long as a man rides his hobby-horse peaceably and quietly along the King’s highway, and neither compels you or me to get up behind him, pray, Sir, what have either you or I to do with it?

There is a very fine line between hobby and mental illness.

I don’t have hobbies, I have interests. Hobbies cost money. Interests are free.

And that recommendation, with the exaggerated estimate of my ability with which he prefaced it, was, if you will believe me, Watson, the very first thing which ever made me feel that a profession might be made out of what had up to that time been the merest hobby.

Hobbies protect us from passions. One hobby becomes a passion.

It’s about time we started to take photography seriously and treat it as a hobby.

Almost every person hath some hobby horse or other.