Home wasn’t built in a day.
Home Quotes
To an open house in the evening, Home shall men come, To an older place than Eden, And a taller town than Rome.
Some keep the Sabbath going to Church – I keep it, staying at Home – With a bobolink for a Chorister – And an Orchard, for a Dome.
There’s a little gray house in a one-street town, And the door stands open, and the steps go down, And you prop up the window with a stick on the sill, And you carry spring water from the bottom of the hill; And the white star of Bethlehem grows in the yard; And I can’t […]
What is more agreeable than one’s home?
Except to heaven, she is nought; Except for angels, lone; Except to some wide-wandering bee, A flower superfluous blown; Except for winds, provincial; Except by butterflies, Unnoticed as a single dew That on the acre lies. The smallest housewife in the grass, Yet take her from the lawn, And somebody has lost the face That […]
There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.
For a man’s house is his castle, for where shall a man be safe, if it be not in his house?
Where thou art, that, is Home.
Where is home? Home is where the heart can laugh without shyness. Home is where the heart’s tears can dry at their own pace.