Honor Quotes

Nobody can acquire honor by doing what is wrong.

You can be deprived of your money, your job and your home by someone else, but remember that no one can ever take away your honor.

On the whole, it is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have them and not deserve them.

One of the greatest sources of suffering is to have an inborn sense of honor.

A man dishonored is worse than dead.

What is fitting is honorable and what is honorable is fitting.

Better to die ten thousand deaths than wound my honor.

Honor lies in honest toil.

When the Academy called, I panicked. I thought they might want their Oscars back and the pawn shop has been out of business for awhile. (Despite dozens of Academy Award nominations this was the first appearance he made at the ceremony when he had made a special presentation asking producers to continue filming movies in […]

There are circumstances which have to do with simple human honor. No matter the risk. To resist and not surrender.