Humankind arrives as billions of seeds filled with hope; in the end, almost all die as manure for others.
Human - Humanity Quotes
We are so presumptuous that we think we can separate our personal interest from that of humanity, and slander mankind without compromising ourselves.
To err is human but to keep on doing it the same way is downright foolish.
You know, there are times when it’s a source of personal pride to not be human. (“Calvin and Hobbes”)
Too many of us are like wheelbarrows – useful only when pushed and too easily upset.
Man does not always live up to Humanity, but comes closer by trying.
The human race seems to have improved on everything except people.
Every one of these hundreds of millions of human beings is in some form seeking happiness… Not one is altogether noble nor altogether trustworthy nor altogether consistent; and not one is altogether vile. Not a single one but has at some time wept.
To err is human – but it feels divine.
If the whole human race lay in one grave, the epitaph on the headstone might well be: “It seemed a good idea at the time.”