Imitation Quotes

We are what we are; we gain nothing by copying others.

Don’t expect anything original from an echo.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

One dog barks at something, and a hundred bark at the sound.

To copy beauty forfeits all pretense to fame; to copy faults is want of sense.

Man is an imitative animal.

We forfeit three-fourths of ourselves to be like other people.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

No man ever yet became great by imitation. Whatever hopes for the veneration of mankind must have invention in the design or the execution; either the effect must itself be new, or the means by which it is produced. Either truths hitherto unknown must be discovered, or those which are already known enforced by stronger […]

We love in others what we lack ourselves, And would be everything but what we are.