Indecision Quotes

It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires great strength to decide what to do.

Tossed around like a hot potato.

There is no more miserable human being than one in whom nothing is habitual but indecision.

He is no wise man who will quit a certainty for an uncertainty.

Once I make up my mind, I’m full of indecision.

A lobster, when left high and dry among the rock, has not instinct or energy enough to work his way back to the sea, but waits for the sea to come to him. If it does not come, he remains where he is and dies, although the slightest effort would enable him to reach the […]

Never Mind.

When a man has not a good reason for doing a thing, he has one good reason for letting it alone.

Don’t stand shivering upon the bank; plunge in at once, and have it over.

Indecision, n. The chief element of success… for “he who from indecision standeth still hath not so many chances of going astray as he who pusheth forwards.” (Sir Thomas Brewbold)