Injustice Quotes

I very, very, very rarely lose my temper. I do get cross sometimes when encountering something that I feel is improper, that I feel is lacking in justice and equity and this all sounds very pompous and over the top – but these are the things that really upset me, intolerance, prejudice etc. I suppose […]

True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.

When C.S. Lewis was an atheist, he rejected the idea of a divine Being because of all the injustice in the world. But when he asked himself where he got the idea of justice in the first place, he had a problem. He wrote, “Man doesn’t call a line crooked unless he has some idea […]

You couldn’t listen to the sweet songs about injustice unless you expected justice and received it much of the time. You couldn’t sing about the end of the world unless you felt that the world was going on and on and you were safe in it. (of Joan Baez’s music)

There must always be a remedy for wrong and injustice if we only know how to find it.

If thou suffer injustice, console thyself; the true unhappiness is in doing it.

Man’s capacity for justice makes democracy possible; but man’s inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary.

One had better die fighting against injustice than to die like a dog or a rat caught in a trap.

Every social injustice is not only cruel, but it is economic waste.

He who commits injustice is ever made more wretched than he who suffers it.