Intelligent - Intelligence Quotes

The sign of an intelligent people is their ability to control their emotions by the application of reason.

The greater intellect one has, the more originality one finds in men. Ordinary persons find no difference between men.

It is impossible to underrate human intelligence – beginning with one’s own.

It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well.

There is no such thing as an underestimate of average intelligence.

No one is satisfied with his fortune, nor dissatisfied with his intellect.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

Let’s see, I was four years old and they tried to test my IQ. They showed me this picture of three oranges and a pear. They asked me, “Which one is different? It does not belong.” They taught me that different was wrong.

Intelligence is the diamond and intellectualism only the facets. I’ve known many a beautifully faceted rhinestone.

The worst thing to be known as is intelligent. If that happens, we’re doomed. Please do not call me intelligent. Call me outrageous. I’d rather be called sleazy than identified as intelligent. (On what it takes to succeed on daytime television)