Money Quotes

A father carries pictures where his money used to be.

If you must have motivation, think of your paycheck on Friday.

The unspoken message I got as a child was that we had nothing. We didn’t have TVs. I looked like a ragamuffin. My clothes were all hand-me-downs. My dad worked, and there was enough money for the necessities, but getting more and more money was never a goal.

My philosophy is that you are a tube for money. It just comes through you, and as long as you don’t panic, stay happy and grateful, appreciate what you have and know what you want to do, it’ll come.

Sometimes with labels you can start to be pushed in a certain direction. With self-releasing, the band always comes first and so does creativity. Sometimes it can get a little more muddled when you have more people that you’re trying to make money for.

When we are first generations and we come into money like that, we feel obligated to bring everybody with us. I think that’s real specific to our culture, and it’s almost expected.

“Snow White” was more than a picture to me. It was a life saver. The bank had loaned me $1,500,000, and they were getting jittery, because all I had to show them was drawings.

I figured that it was idiotic to make pieces for children, because a 10-cant or 15-cent audience is unimportant in this business. So all of our work was slanted principally at an adult audience. ‘Snow White’ road-showed at prices ranging from 85 cents up, proved that parents would pay even those prices for their children’s […]

You have to appeal to the adult… the children don’t have any money!

I’m not a material person. I wear cheap shoes and jeans. I don’t really spend money. All I really want are my cameras and my computer stuff and my watches and that’s about it.