Movies Quotes

The fact is, I have a thriving career in film. I’ve worked for 30 years in that industry, and it’s something I’m really proud of.

I watched a lot of movies from the golden age of Hollywood and was an enormous Judy Garland fan. She was so beautiful and vulnerable, and was such an incredible actor to watch on film. Her performances all felt so emotionally pure and available.

Film is definitely a director’s medium. They’re responsible for the look and everything, and you’re a part of that process as an actor, and you try to contribute to the story. But I think it might sound a little pretentious for me to say I think of myself as an artist. I think of myself […]

I think of Terrence Malick’s movie “Days of Heaven”—one of Richard Gere’s first movies—you can push pause on almost any image in the movie and it looks like a painting.

My roommate in college in Austin, Texas, was Wes Anderson. Wes always wanted to be a director. I was an English major in college, and he got us to work on a screenplay together. And then, in working on the screenplay, he wanted my brother, Luke, and me to act in this thing. We did […]

I had a great time working on “Loki.” I really enjoyed Tom Hiddleston and all the people on that.

With the failure of “New York, New York” … I felt the creativity was just punched out of me. … It was an experiment, a curiosity, to try to find if I could ever care enough to get back on the set. … I didn’t care anymore. And I had to find if I can […]

Malia is the movie savant. She’s very clear. Although we all don’t like the same movies. She and Barack like dark and sad. And Sasha and I, we want a little laughter and frivolity.

If I were to describe “Don’t Look Up” in a nutshell, it would be an analogy of modern day culture and our inability to hear and listen to the scientific truth. I often in my career looked for a film that had an environmental undertone to it but much like the inundation of news on […]

I’m primarily a storyteller. As a kid I really wanted to write comics. Comics were fabulous. They were a place you could do things that nobody had ever done before. But I also wanted to make movies. I wanted to make television. I wanted to write novels. What I wanted to do was tell stories.