Oppression Quotes

People need hard times and oppression to develop psychic muscles.

It is doubtful if the oppressed ever fight for freedom. They fight for pride and for power – power to oppress others. The oppressed want above all to imitate their oppressors; they want to retaliate.

As long as men worship the Caesars and Napoleons, the Caesars and Napoleons will duly rise and make them miserable.

The oppression of any people for opinion’s sake has rarely had any other effect than to fix those opinions deeper and render them more important.

The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.

Every revolution ends by becoming either an oppressor or a heretic.

The revolt against any oppression usually goes to an opposite extreme for a time, and that is right and necessary.

The only way to settle questions of an ideological nature or controversial issues among the people is by the democratic method, the method of discussion, of criticism, of persuasion and education, and not by the method of coercion or repression.

Now, Milosevic is a tyrant and a war criminal. But does America have the right to “pulverize” a nation that never attacked the United States? Did the Founding Fathers dedicate their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to the cause of liberty, so that the republic they would create could emulate the empire they overthrew? Is […]