It’s always darkest before it goes pitchblack.
Pessimist Quotes
It is said that the pessimist sees mostly the overwhelming darkness of the tunnel, and the optimist sees mostly the tiny point of light that promises the end of it… whereas the realist understands that the light is probably an oncoming train. All three are shortsighted. The “real” realist knows the ultimate truth: that if […]
Since I gave up hope I feel much better.
Pessimism is only the name that men of weak nerves give to wisdom.
Nothing to do but work, Nothing to eat but food, Nothing to wear but clothes To keep one from going nude. Nothing to breathe but air Quick as a flash ’tis gone; Nowhere to fall but off, Nowhere to stand but on. Nothing to comb but hair, Nowhere to sleep but in bed, Nothing to […]
How happy are the pessimists! What joy is theirs when they have proved there is no joy.
No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit.
Too much pessimism has led too many men into making serious mistakes. And perhaps part of our pessimism comes because we are too close to ourselves to see in proper perspective.
Pessimists calculate the odds, optimists believe they can overcome them.
I am an optimist rather than a pessimist. It is possible that the pessimists may be proven right in the long run, but we optimists have a better time on the trip.