Pleasure Quotes

The pleasure of expecting enjoyment is often greater than that of obtaining it, and the completion of almost every wish is found a disappointment.

And with Epicurus, I conceive that pleasures are to be avoided if greater pains be the consequence, and pains to be coveted that will terminate in greater pleasures.

The art of life is the art of avoiding pain: and he is the best pilot who steers clearest of the rocks and shoals with which he is beset. Pleasure is always before us; but misfortune is at our side: while running after that, this arrests us. The most effectual means of being secure against […]

Without women, the beginning of our life would be helpless; the middle devoid of pleasure; and the end, of consolation.

We tire of those pleasures we take, but never of those we give.

I do not agree that an age of pleasure is no compensation for a moment of pain.

Ever let thy Fancy roam, Pleasure never is at home.

Find here what each desires: men’s pleasure goes – Strange ways: one pulls a thorn and one a rose.

The mechanics of utility and self-interest… to satisfy our wants to the utmost with the least effort – to procure the greatest amount of what is desirable at the expense of the least desirable – in other words, to maximize pleasure, is the problem of economics.

The desires of the senses call you to roam abroad, but when their hour is spent, what do you bring back but a burdened conscience and a distracted heart? A cheerful going out often brings a sad home-coming, and a merry evening brings a sorry morning. For every bodily pleasure brings joy at first, but […]