Poetry Quotes

No poet sings because he must sing. At least no great poet does. A great poet sings because he chooses to sing.

A poet is someone who is astonished by everything.

Poets are born, not made.

The tongue of a poet is always the last to be corrupted.

Good poets are like angels of Heaven.

He falsifies who renders a verse just as it looks.

To write regular verses destroys an infinite number of fine possibilities, but at the same time it suggests a multitude of distant and totally unexpected thoughts.

To have great poets, there must be great audiences, too.

For all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: and though this be true, poems to which any value can be attached were never produced on any variety of subjects but by a man who, being possessed of more than usual organic sensibly, had also thought long and deeply. I have said that […]

Poetry too is nowadays a one-man job. It neither derives from declamatory nor contemplates its necessity. Poets don’t begin life as actors or elocutionists, and certainly actors and elocutionists do not commonly or normally take up poetic composition. Poetry, like prose writing, is not even recited at all for the most part. It is merely […]