Police Quotes

Operator! Give me the number for 911. (Homer Simpson)

Most middle-class whites have no idea what it feels like to be subjected to police who are routinely suspicious, rude, belligerent, and brutal.

We have to have armies! We have to have military power! We have to have police forces, whether it’s police in a great city or police in an international scale to keep those madmen from taking over the world and robbing the world of its liberties.

One time a cop pulled me over for running a stop sign. He said, “Didn’t you see the stop sign?” I said, “Yeah, but I don’t believe everything I read.”

When I found the skull in the woods, the first thing I did was call the police. But then I got curious about it. I picked it up, and started wondering who this person was, and why he had deer horns.

Anybody who doesn’t cut his speed at the sight of a police car is probably parked.

You will recognize, my boy, the first sign of old age: it is when you go out into the streets of London and realize for the first time how young the policemen look.

I’m not against the police; I’m just afraid of them.

I would go so far as to say that the underdog is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let’s not have any native militia or police. German troops alone will bear the sole responsibility for the maintenance of law and order.

(Jerry Rubin) said that for hundreds of years political cartoonists had always pictured corrupt politicians in the guise of a pig, and he said that it would be great theater if we ran a pig for President, and we all took that on as like a great idea and that’s more or less – that […]