Politeness Quotes

Anyone can be polite to a king. It takes a gentleman to be polite to a beggar.

A polite man is one who listens with interest to things he knows all about when they are told to him by a person who knows nothing about them.

Politeness wins the confidence of princes.

If you bow at all, bow low.

If you have no money, be polite.

Our society finds truth too strong a medicine to digest undiluted. In its purest form, truth is not a polite tap on the shoulder; it is a howling reproach. What Moses brought down from Mt. Sinai were not suggestions but ten commandments.

Politeness is what warmth is to wax.

Politeness is the poison of collaboration.

Politeness is not always a sign of wisdom, but the want of it always leaves room for the suspicion of folly.

You say you are not striking at me when you complain of Van Doren. Well, why in hell shouldn’t you strike at me, if the spirit moves you? When I write about you as an author I put aside all friendship and try to consider you objectively. When, as an author, you discuss me as […]