I have no desire to discredit spiritualism; I have no fight with the Spiritists; but I do believe it is my duty to place before the public the results of my long investigation of Spiritualism.
Skeptics Quotes
“Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect” is one of Santayana’s most admirable epigrams. But chastity is meaningless except in relation to passion, and his own brand of seems to me little more than intellectual old-maidishness fittingly expressed in that genteel – and soporific – style for which is famous. No wonder he was averse […]
The world would be astonished if it knew how great a proportion of its brightest ornaments, of those most distinguished even in popular estimation for wisdom and virtue, are complete skeptics in religion.
A Sceptick therefore, who because he finds that Truths are not universally received, doubts of their existence, is just as foolish as a man who should try large shoes upon little feet, and little shoes upon large feet, and finding that they did not fit both should hold up his hands with philosophical agitation, and […]
Somehow liberals have been unable to acquire from life what conservatives seem to be endowed with at birth: namely, a healthy skepticism of the powers of government agencies to do good.
I think that Richard Nixon will go down in history as a true folk hero, who struck a vital blow to the whole diseased concept of the revered image and gave the American virtue of irreverence and skepticism back to the people.
The path of sound credence is through the thick forest of skepticism.
James (William James) confronted all dogma with skepticism and made skepticism itself a dogma.
Great intellects are skeptical.
Skepticism: the mark and even the pose of the educated mind.