Sports Quotes

You should be happy for the person that comes after you to be able to surpass things that you’ve done. It’s kind of juvenile to think or to behave any other way.

Skating definitely broke me out of a religious bubble, a socioeconomic bubble, a racial bubble.

I’m happy if whatever I’ve done has raised the profile of skating and has maybe changed the stigma that skating is for outcasts, losers and whatnot.

Most men want the admiration of women—their smiles, their attention, their interest. That’s why we beat our chests; that’s why we play basketball and football.

I wasn’t real quick, and I wasn’t real strong. Some guys will just take off and it’s like, whoa. So I beat them with my mind and my fundamentals.

I think major tournaments test you the most in terms of the high pressure. Playing for England is always high pressure but in a major tournament there’s always that added incentive.

What’s the point of going to a World Cup and not believing that you can bring the trophy home?

To go to a World Cup is a dream come true, and I can claim to have experienced that four times.

It doesn’t matter who scores the goals, just that we win the games.

There are more important things in life than winning or losing a game.