Wealth Quotes

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. (“Pride and Prejudice”)

I think Margaret Thatcher started it, the greed thing, people just wanting more and more. And we’ve lost our morals to some extent. And the church has weakened. People don’t believe in anything apart from money and success.

People think I’m a multimillionaire and I’m not. I tend to look at people and think, “Are you a good human being?” That’s what impresses me most rather than what they’ve achieved.

My only regret with The Beatles is that I was wrongly advised and signed away my royalties to their records — about half a penny per title but, with them, that would have been an enormous amount.

The unspoken message I got as a child was that we had nothing. We didn’t have TVs. I looked like a ragamuffin. My clothes were all hand-me-downs. My dad worked, and there was enough money for the necessities, but getting more and more money was never a goal.

My philosophy is that you are a tube for money. It just comes through you, and as long as you don’t panic, stay happy and grateful, appreciate what you have and know what you want to do, it’ll come.

In the 1930s there was this tendency in Hollywood to portray everyone as rich. Even if they were doing a poor man’s dance, they were all so nicely clothed, gowned, coiffured. That’s why I decided to wear white socks, loafers, T-shirts, and blue jeans.

When we are first generations and we come into money like that, we feel obligated to bring everybody with us. I think that’s real specific to our culture, and it’s almost expected.

A baby born with a billion dollars—where is the personal merit in that? A baby born with nothing—where is the personal demerit in that? The one is fawned upon, admired, worshiped, by sycophants, the other is neglected and despised—where is the sense in it?

I intend to personally support Dogecoin because I just know a lot of people who are not that wealthy who, you know, have encouraged me to buy and support Dogecoin.