Writers - Writing Quotes

Life has always been my inspiration. But I think a big topic for me has been simply me being loved and me being happy…and I realized that I don’t really have very many songs that represent the love that I feel more in recent years.

If a guy shares his experience in writing, he’s brave. If a woman shares her experience in writing, she’s oversharing. And she’s she’s over emotional. Or she might be crazy or watch out shall write a song about you.

I’m really in touch with my fans and I know what they like. What my fans in general were afraid of was that I would start making pop music and I would stop writing smart lyrics. Or I would stop writing emotional lyrics. And when they heard the new music they realized that that wasn’t […]

The joke comes first and then the wording comes within five seconds, maybe ten seconds. My thing is to get the joke across in as few words as possible. However, sometimes a word that’s not really needed does help the rhythm of it. It’s a gut feeling.

People, particularly comedians, always say it’s all in the timing. But in written humor, the reader has to do his own timing—you have to build in the timing for the reader, which is difficult.

Let me give you one piece of advice: don’t improvise too much. It is such a waste of precious material. Make a point of writing everything down; you will thus collect and concentrate your ideas. You are denied the tranquillity and security from interruption which are the essential conditions for finishing a composition perfectly.

You know, most of my pictures, they go, don’t worry about it, we don’t have to write nothing, Richard will fix it.

Writing is like a “lust,” or like “scratching when you itch.” Writing comes as a result of a very strong impulse, and when it does come, I for one must get it out.

I would say if a man is going to write on chemistry, he learns chemistry. The same is true of Christianity.

Motown was like a fairy tale that happened to have come true. Songwriting was my love and everything I did was to protect that love. I didn’t like how my songs were being arranged, so I started arranging them. I didn’t like how they were being produced, so I started producing them. I didn’t like […]