Advertising Quotes

Advertising is the greatest art form of the twentieth century.

Advertising is the art of making whole lies out of half truths.

The codfish lays ten thousand eggs, The homely hen lays one; The codfish never cackles, To tell you when she’s done; And so we scorn the codfish, While the humble hen we prize; Which only goes to show you, That it pays to advertise.

I hate (advertising) because it irresponsibly induces discontent in people for one myopic goal, and then it leaves the debris of that process out there in the culture. An advertiser will happily make you feel bad about yourself if that will make you buy, say, a Bic pen.

I would like to be head of an advertising agency.

When business is good it pays to advertise; when it is bad you have got to advertise.

Consumers are trained to “want” that to which they are most continually exposed. Wants do not originate in some vague realms of the consumer’s personality; they are formed by an elaborate apparatus of jingle and fashion, of persuasion and fraud.

Freedom! To spit in the eye and in the soul of the passerby and the passenger with advertising.

Advertising is the fine art of making you think you have longed for something all your life that you never heard of before.

The first step toward freedom will be a new respect for the symbol, a purification and clarification of language itself, an abstention from unclean slogans and conditioned verbal reflexes. The death of the advertising agency and the propaganda bureau will be one of the surest signs of the birth of a new society.