Age Quotes

Men at forty learn to close softly the doors to rooms they will not be coming back to.

After thirty, a body has a mind of its own.

At eighteen our convictions are hills from which we look; at forty-five they are caves in which we hide.

In my twenties, my pleasures tended to be physical. In my thirties, my pleasures tended to be intellectual. I can’t say which was more exquisite.

By the time we’ve made it, we’ve had it.

At college age, you can tell who is best at taking tests and going to school, but you can’t tell who the best people are. That worries the hell out of me.

At 20 years of age the will reigns; at 30 the wit; at 40 the judgment.

As long as you’re green you’re growing, as soon as you’re ripe you start to rot.

Time and tide wait for no man, but always stand still for a woman of thirty.

Be a father. Your son has friends his own age; no boy needs a forty-four year old “pal”.