Age Quotes

Women are most fascinating between the age of thirty-five and forty after they have won a few races and know how to pace themselves. Since few women ever pass forty, maximum fascination can continue indefinitely.

A perpetual conflict with natural desires seems to be the lot of our present state. In youth we require something of the tardiness and frigidity of age; and in age we must labor to recall the fire and impetuosity of youth; in youth we must learn to respect, and in age to enjoy.

The lovely thing about being forty is that you can appreciate twenty-five- year old men more.

When a woman reaches twenty-six in America, she’s on the slide. It’s downhill all the way from then on. It doesn’t give you a tremendous feeling of confidence and well-being.

Old age is like climbing a mountain. You climb from ledge to ledge. The higher you get, the more tired and breathless you become, but your views become more extensive.

As you get older, you find that often the wheat, disentangling itself from the chaff, comes out to meet you.

Wives are young men’s mistresses; companions for middle age; and old men’s nurses.

I hope I never get so old I get religious.

I believe the true function of age is memory. I’m recording as fast as I can.

Men of age object too much, consult too long, adventure too little, repent too soon, and seldom drive business home to the full period, but content themselves with a mediocrity of success.