Whoever sheds man’s blood, By man, his blood shall be shed. (Genesis 9:6)
Capital Punishment Quotes
He who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. (Revelation 13:10)
Thomas J. Grasso’s last meal before he was executed was pushed through the 6-by-18-inch slot near the bottom of the steel door to his cell at 5:58 pm, prison officials said. He had a Burger King double cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, pickles and onions, a dozen steamed mussels with lemon wedges, a strawberry milkshake, half […]
Why do we kill people who kill people to show killing people is wrong.
I found myself compelled to fight back from my eyes the tears, and quanch my heart trobling to my throat to not weep before him. But Sacco’s name will live in the hearts of the people when your name, your laws, institutions and your false god are but a dim rememoring of a cursed past […]
The punishment of criminals should be of use; when a man is hanged he is good for nothing.
Undoubtedly, one of the cruelest and most humiliating forms of punishment in the ancient world was, according to ancient sources, crucifixion. The Jewish historian Josephus best described it following the siege of Jerusalem by the Romans in AD 66-70 as “the most wretched of deaths.” (Josephus, Jewish War 7.203) Whereas in Seneca’s Epistle 101 to […]
I had a student ask me, “Could the savior you believe in save Osama bin Laden?” Of course, we know the blood of Jesus Christ can save him, and then he must be executed.
Does loving your enemy mean not punishing him? No, for loving myself does not mean that I ought not to subject myself to punishment – even to death. If you had committed a murder, the right Christian thing to do would be to give yourself up to the police and be hanged. It is, therefore, […]
We visit prisoners on death row, and some of them are saved, but we believe their sentences should be carried out because they have a debt to society.