Abolition of capital punishment once and for all will help create a more civilized society. It will rebound to the advantage and honor of the nation.
Capital Punishment Quotes
I find it rather strange that the American people would be so haplessly petitioning the government they mistrust and hate so vehemently to execute more people, faster with less appeals.
I believe that people would be alive today if there were a death penalty.
I believe capital punishent to be an appropriate remedy for anyone who does me injury, but under no other circumstances.
If capital punishment is a deterrent, then why does Texas, which executes the most people per year have the highest murder rate? And why do the 12 states that do not have capital punishment have the lowest murder rates?
What did you learn in school today, Dear little boy of mine? What did you learn in school today, Dear little boy of mine? I learned that policemen are my friends. I learned that justice never ends. I learned that murderers die for their crimes Even if we make a mistake sometimes. That’s what I […]
Capital Punishment, a penalty regarding the justice and expediency of which many worthy persons – including all the assassins – entertain grave misgivings.
Moreover, “legitimate defence can be not only a right but a grave duty for someone responsible for another’s life, the common good of the family or of the State”. Unfortunately it happens that the need to render the aggressor incapable of causing harm sometimes involves taking his life. In this case, the fatal outcome is […]
People who claim that sentencing a murderer to “life without the possibility of parole” protects society just as well as the death penalty ignore three things: (1) life without the possibility of parole does not mean life without the possibility of escape or (2) life without the possibility of killing while in prison or (3) […]
Guillotine, n. A machine which makes a Frenchman shrug his shoulders with good reason.