Devil Quotes

The Devil was sick – the Devil a monk would be, The Devil was well the devil a monk was he.

The devil is a better theologian than any of us and is a devil still.

Satan is inconsistent. He persuades a man not to go to synagogue on a cold morning; yet when the man does go, he follows him into it.

He that preaches war is the devil’s chaplain.

Satan hasn’t a single salaried helper; the Opposition employ a million.

There is nothing in this planet’s history, biblical or otherwise, or knowledge from any source, that remotely alludes to the possibility that the poor devil ever stole a pin or killed a living soul. In fact, he never killed a fly, or hurt a single individual, man or beast. He never lost his temper, told […]

The devil is in the details, and everything we do in the military is a detail.

Who prays for Satan? Who, in 1,800 years, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?

The devil dances in an empty pocket.

Casting out devils is mere juggling; they never cast out any but what they first cast in.