Ideas Quotes

As an academic, I like dissenting ideas, because out of them comes a deeper understanding of how things are or should be.

The poet, whether in prose or verse, the creator, can only stamp his images forcibly on the page, in proportion, as he has forcibly felt, ardently nursed, and long brooded over them.

The great thing about getting older is that you don’t lose all the other ages you’ve been.

The only people in the world who can change things are those who can sell ideas.

Every time a man puts a new idea across he finds ten men who thought of it before he did – but they only thought of it.

Crank – a man with a new idea until it succeeds.

We can communicate an idea around the world in 70 seconds, but it sometimes takes years for an idea to get through 1/4″ of human skull.

Science is a cemetery of dead ideas.

To possess ideas is to gather flowers; to think, is to weave them into garlands.

These people who are always briskly doing something and as busy as waltzing mice, they have little, sharp, staccato ideas, such as: “I see where I can make an annual cut of $3.47 in my meat budget.” But they have no slow, big ideas.