Names Quotes

Lyricist Ira Gershwin’s shy and self-effacing nature is perfectly illustrated by a story conductor-composer John Green, an old Gershwin friend, tells: We were six couples having cocktails with Ira and his wife, Leonore. Ira phones a posh Hollywood restaurant for dinner reservations. Then he returned to the group. “No luck,” Ira said resignedly. “They’re all […]

I want the voice of honest praise To follow me behind. And to be thought, in the future days, The friend of humankind; That after-ages, as we rise, Exulting may proclaim, In choral union to the skies, Their blessing on my name.

Fool’s names, like fool’s faces – Are often seen in public places.

Ben Jonson is not to be confused with Samuel Johnson. He was Samuel Johnson. Samuel Johnson was not. Samuel Johnson was Samuel Pepys. Pepys was actually Raleigh, who had escaped from the tower to write Paradise Lost under the name of John Milton, a poet who because of blindness accidently escaped to the tower and […]

A name is a kind of face by whereby one is known.

I have no name: I am but two days old.” What shall I call thee? “I happy am, Joy is my name.” Sweet joy befall thee! Pretty Joy! Sweet Joy, but two days old. Sweet Joy I call thee: Thou dost smile, I sing the while, Sweet joy befall thee!

I don’t remember anybody’s name. How do you think the “dahling” thing got started?