Our species can only survive if we have obstacles to overcome. You take away all obstacles and without them to strengthen us, we will weaken and die. (Captain James T. Kirk, “Metamorphosis”)
Obstacle - Obstacles Quotes
Our project may be 99% perfect, but we focus on the 1% that is bad, the negative. We keep our eyes on the obstacles instead of on the main goal. Negative attitudes bring negative results.
An obstacle is often an unrecognized opportunity.
Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven’t half the strength you think they have.
Whatever impedes you but doesn’t stop you aids your progress.
Enthusiasm releases the drive to carry you over obstacles and adds significance to all you do.
If you wish to obtain an orthodox understanding of Zen, do not be deceived by others. Inwardly or outwardly, if you encounter any obstacles kill them right away. If you encounter the Buddha, kill him.
One of the greatest obstacles to success is man’s inability to put first things first.
Real obstacles don’t take you in circles. They can be overcome. Invented ones are like a maze.
Imaginary obstacles are insurmountable. Real ones aren’t.