Obstacle - Obstacles Quotes

The chief obstacle to the progress of the human race is the human race.

Our species can only survive if we have obstacles to overcome. You take away all obstacles and without them to strengthen us, we will weaken and die. (Captain James T. Kirk, “Metamorphosis”)

Our project may be 99% perfect, but we focus on the 1% that is bad, the negative. We keep our eyes on the obstacles instead of on the main goal. Negative attitudes bring negative results.

An obstacle is often an unrecognized opportunity.

Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven’t half the strength you think they have.

Whatever impedes you but doesn’t stop you aids your progress.

There are four chief obstacles in grasping truth, which hinder every man, however learned, and scarcely allow any one to win a clear title to wisdom, namely, submission to faulty and unworthy authority, influence of custom, popular prejudice, and concealment of our own ignorance with a show of seeming wisdom.

There is one insuperable obstacle to a belief in ghosts. A ghost never comes naked: he appears either in a winding-sheet or “in his habit as he lived.”

The block of granite, which was an obstacle in the path of the weak, becomes a stepping stone in the path of the strong.

If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.