Parents Quotes

Out of the mouths of babes come words we shouldn’t have said in the first place.

Didn’t it often happen, she thought, that aged parents die exactly at the moment when other people (your husband, your adolescent children) have stopped being thrilled to see you coming? But a parent is always thrilled, always dwells so lovingly on your face as you are speaking. One of life’s many ironies.

When parents don’t mind that their children don’t mind, the children don’t.

Parents who are always giving their children nothing but the best usually wind up with nothing but the worst.

I never blamed my folks for Kenosha, Kenosha has always blamed my folks for me.

If your children look up to you, you’ve made a success of life’s biggest job.

When parents spoil their children, it is less to please them than to please themselves. It is the egotism of parental love.

Americans, indeed, often seem to be so overwhelmed by their children that they’ll do anything for them except stay married to the co-producer.

The easiest way to teach children the value of money is to borrow some from them.

There are no illegitimate children only illegitimate parents.