Places Quotes

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.

If an English butler and an English nanny sat down to design a country, they would come up with New Zealand.

The nice part about living in a small town is that when you don’t know what you’re doing, someone else does.

A part of us remains where ever we have been.

The people of Dacca are an almost congenitally aggrieved race, rather like the French in Canada; their record, before and after independence, has been one of consistent complaint, always vocal and often violent.

O That I was where I would be, Then would I be where I am not. But where I am I must be, And where I would be I cannot.

In Southern Nevada, there is only a screen door between you and hell.

You are now landing in New Zealand. Everybody is requested to put their watches back ten years.

The bus to Marrakesh, Morocco, Traverses landscapes simply socko The agricultural economy Suggests the book of Deuteronomy The machine has not replaced the mammal And everything is done by camel. I hope I’ll never learn what flesh I ate that day in Marrakesh, But after struggling with a jawful I thought it tasted humpthing awful.

When George Bernard Shaw visited New Zealand a reporter asked him his impression of the place and, after a pause, Shaw is said to have replied: “Altogether too many sheep.