Places Quotes

On Hawaii: The loveliest fleet of islands that lies anchored in any ocean.

Hong Kong in a nutshell-a completely foreign city that’s utterly comprehensible. It’s a modern place, deaf to charm, dumb in the language of aesthetics, caught up in a wild, romantic passion for the plain utilitarian. The only traditional touches are the catawampus walls and whichaway entrances dictated by feng shui, the art of placing things […]

I have done Thebes somewhat hurriedly, it is true, but I have gone over it. Travellers no doubt, may wish to purchase mummies and other souvenirs here. If they but express a wish to buy, mummies by the wholesale, whole mummies, heads of mummies, hands, feet, limbs and trunks of mummies; human, animal, and bird […]

Palestine is desolate and unlovely. Over it broods the spell of a curse that has withered its fields and fettered its energies.

The concrete runway at Warsaw’s Miedzynarodowy airport is coming to pieces. From bumpy landing to bumpy take-off, you spend your time in Poland looking at bad concrete. Everything is made of it – streets, buildings, floors, walls, ceilings, roofs, window frames, lamp posts, statues, benches, plus some of the food, I think.

There are certain places, among them some of the most impressive and beautiful in the world, that call for only a single dose, repeated perhaps the next morning. If nothing else, it is a tribute to their potency. Even the Parthenon, even the paintings in the Prado, are not to be seen each day, and […]

India has 2,000,000 gods, and worships them all. In religion other countries are paupers; India is the only millionaire.

The spring came in Venice. There were flowers all the day long everywhere, and music all the night; the swallows and the doves were happy in the cloudless air; the sweet sea wind only blew softly enough to lift the hair of the women standing on the wet marble stairs to meet the boats of […]

Karachi, the Americans say, ‘is twice the size of Chicago cemetery and twice as dead.’

In Boston they ask, “How much does he know?” In New York, “How much is he worth?” In Philadelphia, “Who were his parents?”