Political Correctness Quotes

After a couple of years with the culturally correct crosshairs trained on my chest, I must admit it was a whole lot easier being Moses. But I can say this: get involved with a politically unpopular cause and you’ll quickly find out who your friends are. I’ve been blasted from Time Magazine to The Washington […]

Is this then what academia is to be reduced to, the squabbling tribalism of a bunch of Balkan clans? Sometimes it seems so, that there is only self-interest and group interest. Women fight for women’s texts, gays for gay, blacks for black, white males for theirs. Since the old unifying generalities with their assumption of […]

People who talk about political correctness as being a kind of thought police have no idea of what a thought police is. But political correctness does have the same mentality. It means that intellectual argument is doomed. Objective truth simply becomes a thing to jeer at, because obviously there’s no such thing as objectivity – […]

The quickest way to end political correctness would be to start calling woman ‘vaginal americans.’

We want to create a sort of linguistic Lourdes, where evil and misfortune are dispelled by a dip in the waters of euphemism.

Political Correctness is essentially undemocratic; it assumes that we are all too fragile to endure the open and frank debate that democracy demands; it assumes that offense is the greatest sin; it brings us all to a lowest common denominator of gagged silence. I hate how this came to become a prerequisite to being liberal; […]

It is a measure of our natural deference to America, cultural and military, that when the New York Times rang up and asked for a piece, I was thrilled. So I sat up for an hour or so, cracked out an article on Blair, Bush and Iraq, and fired it off to the charming NY […]

A sobering thought is occurring to many on campus: People on the left are now getting caught in the anti-free-speech policies set up in the past 20 years to silence dissent. These speech codes and anti-bias and anti-harassment policies are based on the idea that hurting anyone’s feelings is a form of assault. Universities typically […]

Why book reviewers hate my books: “Because the books are really no good? Perhaps. But I think I’ve got a better explanation. Almost all reviewers, these days, are members of and adherents to some anxious particular sect or faction. I.e., they are lesbians and New Agers or fem-libbers or (even worse) male fem-libbers or technophiles […]

Political correctness is the natural continuum from the party line. What we are seeing once again is a self-appointed group of vigilantes imposing their views on others. It is a heritage of communism, but they don’t seem to see this.