Anonymous Toast Quotes

Friends may come, friends may go, Friends may peter out, you know. But we’ll be friends through thick and thin, Peter out or peter in.

May you taste the sweetest pleasures that fortune ere bestowed, and may all your friends remember all the favors you are owed.

Here’s a health to all those that we love, Here’s a health to all those that love us, Here’s a health to all those that love them – that love those – that love them – that love those – that love us.

May your health be like the capital of Ireland – Always Dublin!

Here’s to those who wish us well, as for the rest, they can go to Hell!”

Best while you have it use your breath – There is no drinking after death.

Here’s to bein’ singl – drinkin’ doubles – and seein’ triple!

Here’s to living single, seeing double and sleeping triple!

To women and horses – And the men that ride them!

There are several good reasons for drinking – and one has just entered my head. If a man can’t drink when he’s living, then how the hell can he drink when he’s dead.