Scott Adams Quotes

Man is a game playing animal and a computer is another way to play games. (“Dilbert”)

One “oh shit” can erase a thousand attaboys. (“Dilbert”)

In fact, companies are borrowing more techniques from cults every day. For example, cults try to separate you from the rest of society. Companies make you work so many hours that you never see the rest of society. Cults tell you to wear dorky outfits. Companies tell you to wear dorky outfits too, except on […]

We’re a planet of nearly six billion ninnies living in a civilization that was designed by a few thousand amazingly smart deviants. (“Dilbert”)

Change is good. You go first. (“Dilbert”)

What was that popping sound? – A paradigm shifting without a clutch. (“Dilbert”)

People hate change, and for good reason. Change makes us stupider, relatively speaking. Change adds new information to the universe; information that we don’t know. Our knowledge – as a percentage of all the things that can be known – goes down a tick every time something changes. And frankly, if we’re talking about a […]

Managers are like cats in a litter box. They instinctively shuffle things around to conceal what they’ve done.

Catbert is a typical cat, in the sense that he looks cute but he doesn’t care if you live or die. Recently he became the Human Resources Director at Dilbert’s company where he teases employees before downsizing them. You’ll see more of him as I shamelessly capitalize on the fact that many people like cats. […]

Communicating with your employees is like being a frightened chunk of marble in a room full of sculptors. They’ll try to chip away at everything you say until by process of elimination they figure out the truth. (“Dilbert”)