If God had intended us to drink beer, He would have given us stomachs.
Alcohol Quotes
A man shouldn’t fool with booze until he’s fifty; then he’s a damnfool if he doesn’t.
No animal ever invented anything so bad as drunkenness or so good as drink.
I drink when I have occasion, and sometimes when I have no occasion.
The cost of living has gone up another dollar a quart.
Always remember, that I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me.
An Englishman will fairly drink as much As will maintain two families of Dutch.
Some weasel took the cork out of my lunch.
Sir, if you were my husband, I would poison your drink. (Lady Astor to Winston Churchill) Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it.
You may compute the period when happiness is in season, which in my judgment, enters the room with the tea-tray. For tea, though ridiculed by those who are naturally coarse in their nervous sensibilities, or are become so from wine-drinking, and are not susceptible of influence from so refined a stimulant, will always be the […]