California Quotes

Los Angeles, the world’s most celebrated suburb of nowhere.

When you get tired of walking around San Francisco, you can always lean against it.

It’s a great place to live, but I wouln’t want to visit there.

The Senator says the territory of California is three times greater than the average extent of the new States of the Union. Well, Sir, suppose it is. We all know that it has more than three times as many mountains, inaccessible and rocky hills, and sandy wastes, as are possessed by any State of the […]

New groups, whole families, kept arriving. He could see a change come over them as they had become part of the crowd. Until they reached the line, they looked diffident, almost furtive, but the moment they had become part of it, they turned arrogant and pugnacious. It was a mistake to think them harmless curiosity […]

Once there, they discover that sunshine isn’t enough. They get tired of oranges, even of avocado pears, and passion fruit. Nothing happens. They do not know what to do with their time… They watch the waves come in at Venice… but after you’ve seen one wave, you’ve seen them all… Their boredom becomes more and […]

When an Okie moves to California, he raises the IQ of both states.

California is a place where they shoot too many pictures and not enough actors.

Living in California adds ten years to a man’s life. And those extra ten years I’d like to spend in New York.

Soon Los Angeles will be in San Diego, swallow San Francisco and pave every acre of earth up to the Gold river. The only historic monuments spared will be the rest rooms in the gasoline stations.